Articles by Naomi Schaefer Riley: 2013 – 2015
The secret of ‘Joy’ — how imaginary play can lead to genuis
December 28, 2015
Spoiled students think gourmet school lunches are a right
December 27, 2015
Why guys think it’s OK for them to sleep around but not women
December 22, 2015
What Today’s Philanthropoids Could Learn from Andrew Carnegie
December 22, 2015
Babies born at 23 weeks make abortion debates awkward
December 25, 2015
Listen to Scott Weiland’s widow about the dark side of rock fame
December 15, 2015
NY’s response to not enough kids passing a test? Make it easier to pass
December 13, 2015
Click here to make sure your kid doesn’t become a liberal jackass at college
December 10, 2015
Parents at swastika-defending elite school should get a refund
November 30, 2015
Listen to science, don’t hire a hot nanny!
November 29, 2015
The new Thanksgiving family fight: war over tablets & TV
November 25, 2015
Why parents are scared to let their kids grow up
November 22, 2015
Behind the campus ‘crisis’: a generation of too-delicate flowers
November 17, 2015
Parents should not give up trying to police kids sexting
November 15, 2015
Message: I Care
November 10, 2015
Are Working Parents As Busy As They Think?
November 9, 2015
Turning convicts into college graduates — the best second chance there is
November 9, 2015
Legalized marijuana won’t save Indian reservations
November 8, 2015
Free SATs: An excellent idea from Bill de Blasio
November 5, 2015
Kids aren’t spending enough time just going outside
November 1, 2015
The best jobs for balancing work and life
October 27, 2015
David Weekley, Philanthropist Extraordinaire
October 26, 2015
Gloria Steinem’s lunatic ‘cry at the office’ advice
October 19, 2015
Hey parents, children and iPads are a bad mix
October 18, 2015
How smart phones feed teens’ relationship obsessions
October 14, 2015
De Blasio’s plan to socially engineer cultural groups
October 10, 2015
Michelle Obama’s misguided girl power agenda
October 5, 2015
Zuckerberg’s $100 Million Lesson
October 5, 2015
Charter schools suspend kids, public schools don’t — which does better?
October 4, 2015
Michael Douglas’ mixed-faith message for every religion
September 28, 2015
The myth of the college “rape culture”
September 27, 2015
Sorry — nobody needs sex ed from Jessica Biel
September 22, 2015
The folly of teaching computer science to high school kids
September 20, 2015
Don’t let your kids turn into tablet junkies!
September 17, 2015
A Sit-Down With God
September 16, 2015
Why do college kids have so much time to smoke pot?
September 13, 2015
God battles ‘Straight Outta Compton’ for African-Americans’ souls
September 13, 2015
The latest frontier in spoiled parenting
August 30, 2015
John Oliver’s cockeyed bid to have the feds vet churches
August 25, 2015
‘Faith Ed.,’ by Linda K. Wertheimer
August 22, 2015
How choice can end a New York school war
August 17, 2015
Tinder is tearing society apart
August 16, 2015
Are teens having second thoughts about oversharing online?
August 10, 2015
Millennial ‘Mr. Moms’ turn out to be all talk
August 4, 2015
Blaming sexism & racism for everything demeans real struggles against prejudice
August 1, 2015
Pride or Prejudice?
July 31, 2015
Getting mobbed on the Web: Parents’ newest fear
July 29, 2015
Worldwide Social Engineering, Brought to You by All the Smart Philanthropists
July 13, 2015
No, Native Americans *weren’t* the original environmentalists
July 13, 2015
Parents: Keep your kids off reality TV!
July 6, 2015
‘Designer babies’ are an unregulated reality
July 5, 2015
No, Americans aren’t ‘work martyrs’
June 29, 2015
Diddy is the ultimate coddling helicopter parent
June 28, 2015
The true payoff from Scott Walker’s war on tenure
June 22, 2015
Gap and J.Crew’s real problem: I just want a good pair of pants!
June 21, 2015
The lunatic lynching of ‘sexist scientist’ Tim Hunt
June 15, 2015
Reading? Math? Nah — let’s teach kids how to put on a condom
June 14, 2015
NYU drops its worries on rape
June 7, 2015
The feminist revolution is eating its own
June 1, 2015
How Pinterest is driving moms crazy
May 31, 2015
Why powerful men now hide behind open doors
May 26, 2015
Celebrity ‘community service’ only serves the celebs
May 19, 2015
Thank you schools for holding the hem line on racy prom dresses
May 17, 2015
The surprising truth about the Bible & modern bigotry
May 12, 2015
Ad nauseam: Why have commercials gotten so crude?
May 10, 2015
Living the American dream: A pregnant mom’s escape from Vietnam
May 3, 2015
Birds, Bees and Bureaucracies
April 30, 2015
The campus crusade to ‘safely’ squelch speech
April 27, 2015
‘Full House’ spinoff shows hunger for family entertainment
April 26, 2015
The Left’s Guide to the Class Divide
April 21, 2015
Harvard’s wacky campus-sex survey
April 20, 2015
An ‘oppressive society’ isn’t forcing women to marry and have kids
April 19, 2015
It Takes a Village to Promote Free-Range Parenting
April 15, 2015
Skip the sharing, kids
April 15, 2015
Facts matter: Left sticks to ‘narratives,’ evidence be damned
April 6, 2015
Working moms aren’t holding kids back — it’s the lack of fathers
April 5, 2015
Greens gone wild on college campuses
March 30, 2015
Promiscuity is not the path to female enlightenment
March 29, 2015
Tip for college girls: Never trust anyone
March 23, 2015
Nutty notions for handing out a billion
March 18, 2015
If you don’t want your kid to be a narcissist, get tougher now
March 15, 2015
Facing facts on the pill and the poor
March 10, 2015
The Lowdown on Higher Education
March 9, 2015
Hey moms! There’s nothing wrong with clutter
March 8, 2015
A store for bad moms?
March 2, 2015
Why Disney World is the only ‘guaranteed’ vacation in America
March 1, 2015
Do we need to integrate our churches?
February 23, 2015
Breaking (up) Bad: Risks of remaining friends
February 16, 2015
How did ‘Fifty Shades’ go from extreme to normal in just 2 years?
February 15, 2015
How shacking up leads to divorce
February 9, 2015
Columbia mattress rape case is not justice — it’s shaming without proof
February 8, 2015
Reality TV torture: inflicting horror to fake drama
February 1, 2015
We live together before marriage longer, yet the less we know about our spouses
February 1, 2015
Labor’s Love Lost: The Rise and Fall of the Working-Class Family in America
January 29, 2015
The lunacy of the feminist war on T-shirts
January 26, 2015
Parenting overkill: Finding the right way to let kids grow up
January 18, 2015
Middle-aged women prove Russell Crowe wrong at Globes
January 13, 2015
It’s a terrible idea to allow cellphones in schools
January 11, 2015
Exploiting tragedy: Transgender teen’s suicide poses parenting puzzles
January 5, 2015
Book Review: Secular and Proud of It
January 4, 2015
Study says fairy tales too bleak for kids — but that’s what they need
January 4, 2015
Intermarriage: a real measure of race relations
December 29, 2014
Our troubled foster system needs more support, good parents
December 28, 2014
Surveillance for kids elves: Parents’ little helpers?
December 22, 2014
The AAUP’s Ludicrous Declaration
December 16, 2014
Empty ‘stories’: Beyonce and today’s college kids
December 15, 2014
Selective coddling at Columbia Law
December 9, 2014
Why more smart devices won’t help the poor
December 7, 2014
The calorie fallacy: ‘Information’ won’t stop obesity
December 1, 2014
CNN is lying when they say Ferguson protests were ‘peaceful’
November 29, 2014
Having it all? Unlikely expectations for professional women
November 24, 2014
Why Cosby spells the end of the pop culture role model
November 22, 2014
(Not really) helping minority girls
November 17, 2014
UNC scandal isn’t about athletics — it’s about empty degrees
November 16, 2014
A worthy mission for today’s grads
November 11, 2014
Academics and media tell minorities: You’ll never succeed because of racism
November 8, 2014
‘Haunted Files’: The dark side of progressivism
November 4, 2014
Media is now driving voters — mostly Dems — to the polls
November 2, 2014
Bigots Are Really Bigoted
Too many tests? Yes — for some kids
October 27, 2014
‘Family hour’ extinct as sitcoms get more vulgar
October 25, 2014
Getting more poor kids into college won’t fix income inequality
October 24, 2014
Generation Screwed
October 20, 2014
The faux empowerment of ‘All About That Bass’
October 19, 2014
Sayreville horror: It’s way beyond ‘bullying’
October 13, 2014
Liberal bias in academia is destroying the integrity of research
October 12, 2014
Helping good schools save themselves
October 9, 2014
‘Active consent’ is a solution to an exaggerated problem
October 5, 2014
Fetishizing babies: Products for princesses
September 29, 2014
Beyond the same old ‘women’s agenda’
September 24, 2014
How a Bronx charter school is revolutionizing education
September 21, 2014
Greens v. the poor: It’s a movement of the ‘haves’
September 17, 2014
The pitfalls of living in a world without secrets
September 14, 2014
College’s “Religious Cliff”
September 11, 2014
A ‘rule’ for schools: Building hope in Newark
September 10, 2014
Where have all the gentlemen gone?
September 7, 2014
Diversity distractions
September 4, 2014
Why the atheist call to abort the disabled is doomed
August 31, 2014
Why you should keep your family far away from amusement parks
August 24, 2014
Book Review: ‘Seeking the Promised Land’ by David E. Campbell, John C. Green and J. Quin Monson
August 24, 2014
The wedding gamble — guests who won’t grow up
August 18, 2014
Back to the future: Adieu, middle class
August 12, 2014
Is this ‘walk-of-shame’ handbag an example of ‘empowerment?’
August 10, 2014
Scenes from the feminist implosion
August 4, 2014
Bloom should be cheered for defending a woman’s honor
August 3, 2014
‘Rude’ awakenings: When dad denies a suitor
July 28, 2014
Our sex-obsessed culture is turning men into pigs
July 26, 2014
Facebook and infidelity: Part cause, part symptom
July 21, 2014
Why the guy who bought his daughter a ‘kingdom’ is un-American
July 19, 2014
Math Camp in a Barn: Intensive Instruction, No-Nonsense Discipline
July 18, 2014
The New York Public Library’s pathetic summer reading list for kids
July 14, 2014
Scaling up for success: KIPP’s formula for great schools
July 9, 2014
A ‘popular’ problem — when teens impress other teens
July 2, 2014
The Starbucks Solution
June 30, 2014
Why waiters should be replaced with iPads
June 28, 2014
Peak Koch Derangement Syndrome
June 27, 2014
Why marriages fail: Romance just isn’t enough
June 23, 2014
The price of summer: Some vacation costs are hidden
June 18, 2014
The birthing wars: I’ll take that epidural, thanks
June 10, 2014
How churches can get back into matchmaking
June 7, 2014
A Church in Big Easy Walking Distance
June 5, 2014
Getting kids psyched about science
June 2, 2014
June 1, 2014
Let’s stop ‘talking about race’
May 29, 2014
The Great Books Make a Comeback
May 27, 2014
Political Confessions
May 27, 2014
Give Mark Cuban a pass — this isn’t being a bigot
May 22, 2014
School district’s unseemly quest for more cash
May 20, 2014
Catholic schools that saved so many kids need rescuing
May 18, 2014
Ditched by feminists: Throwing women under the bus
May 13, 2014
The real Rx for campus rape — give up on liberal ‘answers’
May 6, 2014
Dads: The antidote to helicopter parenting
May 5, 2014
Bringing Millennials back to church
April 27, 2014
The feminist ‘confidence’ quandary
April 20, 2014
The tyranny of the organic mommy mafia
April 19, 2014
Swinging the key to a happy marriage? Don’t count on it
April 14, 2014
It’s not just athletes – college screws everyone
April 12, 2014
Extended families are like gold for working moms
April 7, 2014
Understanding — and preventing — suicide
March 31, 2014
Marriages ‘uncoupled’ by unrealistic expectations — not biology
March 30, 2014
College kids need more real-world experiences
March 24, 2014
Return of the shotgun wedding
March 22, 2014
Big Philanthropy’s New Role
March 21, 2014
Bad advice from all sides on the rush to the altar
March 17, 2014
Parents’ worst enemies are other parents
March 10, 2014
The mixed messages of Disney’s ‘Frozen’
March 3, 2014
Sex pays for college: A Duke student’s sad choice
February 28, 2014
Popping the higher education bubble
February 25, 2014
Some insecurity goes a long way toward successful students
February 24, 2014
The economics of sex: Has the price gotten too cheap?
February 16, 2014
The post-racial world of Jerry Seinfeld
February 11, 2014
Save kids from ‘fuzzy’ math
February 3, 2014
‘Jay Z a poor excuse for a husband’
January 28, 2014
Book Review: ‘Families and Faith’
January 26, 2014
Wendy Davis has no future in politics
January 24, 2014
Raising kids in an age of TMI
January 21, 2014
Make Foster Care Work, Let Churches Lead
January 17, 2014
Making Forever Families
Winter 2014
We’re missing the point of marriage
January 15, 2014
Give competency-based college programs a chance: Column
January 7, 2014
The hunger of ‘activism’
January 5, 2014
Why Lis Smith loses the ladies
December 29, 2013
Living with in-laws: It had an upside once
December 24, 2013
Women think the workplace is unfair… this is why they’re wrong
December 16, 2013
Let kids find their own entertainment
December 11, 2013
The problem with public policy schools
December 6, 2013
The ‘Pope Francis effect’
December 4, 2013
Children of a Not So Lesser God
November 28, 2013
‘Shark Tank’ offers valuable business lessons
November 26, 2013
A woman’s sorrow
November 21, 2013
Move over Tiger mothers: Here comes the ‘Swedish mom’
November 12, 2013
Catholic schools work for kids
November 5, 2013
Some rethinking on drinking
October 29, 2013
Looking to loot the city’s parks
October 21, 2013
Why parents go to ethical extremes
October 14, 2013
Escaping modern TV
October 8, 2013
Unwed Oprah’s being a terrible role model
October 3, 2013
How smartphones kill joy
September 26, 2013
How can a parent deal with teen savages?
September 22, 2013
The challenge of raising boys
September 17, 2013
Book Review: ‘Down in the Chapel,’ by Joshua Dubler
September 15, 2013
What colleges don’t want you to know
September 11, 2013
‘Bankrupt’ parents just want better schools
September 4, 2013
You will be judged
August 26, 2013
Computers & kids
August 19, 2013
James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley: Why Shouldn’t Princeton Pay Taxes?
August 19, 2013
Russell Moore: From Moral Majority to ‘Prophetic Minority’
August 16, 2013
The trouble with kids fund-raising
August 12, 2013
Schaefer Riley: Why parents can’t just calm down
August 8, 2013
The therapy dodge
August 1, 2013
‘Middle class’ George
July 26, 2013
‘Predator’ student loans
July 23, 2013
The great bikini question
July 15, 2013
Make them visit
July 5, 2013
Why parents are terrified of Miley
June 29, 2013
NYC’s parenting secret
June 28, 2013
Can Indians move beyond casinos?
June 24, 2013
Skip the internship
June 18, 2013
Guilt-tripping the parents
June 11, 2013
Ending alimony is not so smart
June 5, 2013
What women want
May 29, 2013
Quinn’s school folly
May 20, 2013
Sign of sick times
May 12, 2013
Don’t bet on longer school days
May 6, 2013
How colleges scam the working class
April 28, 2013
Red dates, blue dates: Column
April 25, 2013
Beyond beauty
April 23, 2013
Seven things you don’t know about interfaith marriage
April 19, 2013
The politics of dolls?
April 18, 2013
Lessons in Citizenship
Spring 2013
What Would Socrates Do?
April 16, 2013
Taking a Jewish Page From the Book of Mormon on Interfaith Marriage
April 14, 2013
When Muslims intermarry, do they keep the faith?
April 12, 2013
A too-forgiving God
April 7, 2013
Interfaith Unions: A Mixed Blessing
April 5, 2013
Plenty of Two-Faith Marriages, Not Many Two-Faith Ceremonies
April 5, 2013
Synagogue-Hopping With Generation Y
April 4, 2013
‘Dream college’ lies
April 3, 2013
Yes, they will cheat again
March 21, 2013
Porn by Equinox
March 17, 2013
Behind Columbia’s Nutella nuttiness
March 13, 2013
More than fantasy: The ‘Cannibal Cop’ & the Web
March 6, 2013
A disturbing treat for 7-year-olds
February 26, 2013
The right way to cut college costs
February 20, 2013
Seeing Through the School Daze
February 18, 2013
College Essays Make Kids Stupid and Selfish
February 17, 2013
The price of legal pot
February 16, 2013
Insane approach to fighting rape
February 13, 2013
Why our kids aren’t ‘Ramona the brave’
February 8, 2013
To save NYC’s catholic schools
January 31, 2013
Quinn, Zappos & the city schools
January 22, 2013
Best & the brightest
January 9, 2013
And the kids suffer
January 2, 2013